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Opto component solder joint integrity: Lucent


  • Optical components were falling off the substrate after soldering at the end of the production line

  • Not clear why this was happening or how to fix it.

Solution / Process

  • Auger analysis revealed the presence of NiO over the Au on the bonding surface

  • NiO was not bonding to the solder and the component was falling off

  • Discovered the root cause to be a high-temperature glass solder process at the supplier was being done after the Au plating allowing Ni bleed through and NiO formation

  • Many attempts were made to remove the NiO but it is very tough and could not be removed with normal plasma cleaning or with formic acid 

  • The only effective way to remove the NiO was to blast it off with high energy ion beam

  • A fixture was designed and built to accomplish this in the Balzer ion etching machine


Wavelength Locker Technology: Infinera


  • Wavelength locker glass etalon FSR is very sensitive to angle alignment

  • Requires accurate and time consuming measurements with nano-positioning stages to achieve accurate alignment

  • Normally this process takes upwards of 20 – 30 minutes to complete


  • A method was found to reduce this time to less than 4 minutes – Trade Secret at Infinera

  • Subsequently a technology was created to achieve a 90% size reduction in the wavelength locker assembly – Trade Secret at Infinera

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Wavelength Locker Technology: Lucent


  • If a wavelength locker with etalon has to operate at various unspecified temperatures, such as for a temperature tuned laser on a common submount:

    • The locking point for the etalon transmission function may be at a peak or valley

  • This can result in locker insensitivity at the locking wavelength

  • A stepped etalon prevents this by having overlapping transmission functions

  • This was the predecessor to the Wavelength Locker at Infinera


Advanced solder bonding techniques for optoelectronic packages: Infinera


  • Eliminate voiding from thermal critical areas of solder joints, improve yields in hermetic optoelectronic packages


  • Alternative solders investigated and new profiles developed to improve yields to >99%

  • Innovative thermal management fixturing developed to shorten cycle time and improve yields, including thermal measurement and analysis

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Microsystems Packaging - Graduate Level Course: Lehigh University 

Purpose of Service / Project

  • Familiarize students with the fundamentals of optoelectronic and microelectronic packaging including mechanical design, optics, fiber optics, materials, thermal management, process development, and team building


Fiber Optic Communications and Components: Professional development course created at Northampton Community College, National Training Center for Microelectronics

Purpose of Service / Project

  • Familiarize students with the history, practical application, case studies and state of the art in fiber optic communications and enabling optoelectronic components. Presented to students at the college, the National Security Agency, IMAPS professional society conferences and employees at Lucent Technologies.


Optoelectronic Packaging / Optics: Projects

Distributed Isolator Laser Hammering Birefringence Compensation: Lucent

Optoelectronic Packaging / Optics: Text
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Optoelectronic Packaging / Optics: Image

Laser Integrated Modulator: T-Networks - Hybrid Photonic Integrated Circuit 

Optoelectronic Packaging / Optics: Text
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Optoelectronic Packaging / Optics: Image
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